الثلاثاء، 4 يناير 2011

The Disadvantages of Using Videos inside Classrooms

Although there are many benefits and advantages of using a video inside the classrooms, there are still some disadvantages of it. So group members, what do you think the disadvantages for using this beneficial tool inside our classrooms?

هناك 11 تعليقًا:

  1. Yes my dear there are few disadvantages of using video such as Equipment failures. May be the computer or the projector (OHP) may not work which need time to be fixed and this will lead to delay explaining to some lessons. Also, may be the teacher does not know a lot about technology which lead to time spent learning new technologies.
    Passed by Asaad AL-Hadidi

  2. In my point of view, the advantages of using videos inside classrooms are more than the disadvantages. However, there are some disadvantages of the use of videos inside classrooms. One of the most important disadvantages is that teachers cannot manage their classroom time when they use videos in classrooms. For example, when a teacher explains his lesson, he does not know how to coordinate his explanation with the use of videos. And this is because most of the teachers do not have training of the use of technology inside the classrooms before. Mohammed Al Wahaibi

  3. Wholeheartedly, there are many demerits of using videos in the classroom environment and these disadvantages are related to the wrong employment of using videos in the classroom. The distraction of the learning process that result from excessive use of low quality videos is one of the side effects of the videos in the classroom. Moreover, the technical problems which associated with the random organization of the video content are considered one of the disadvantages of applying the use of videos in the classroom.

  4. Not forgetting that these really can be overcome by testing equipment beforehand and learning how to properly use each technology. Video or data projectors are more complicated to use and professors must be familiar with the equipment before the class starts. It is also important to know all necessary programs and .

  5. Another disadvantage of the use videos inside classrooms is that the job of the teacher will be reduced. As we know, students need their teacher with them to understand such information. However, when teacher use videos most the time, the students may need to understand something they don't understand in the video and then the video will continue and the students have a misunderstanding of that thing.

  6. In addition to these entire disadvantages, the use of video inside classrooms will dwindle the traditional teaching. That is right the use of technology inside classroom is better than traditional teaching. However, sometime we need traditional teaching more than teaching with technological materials. And here there will be a lack of the use of traditional teaching. That means the explanation of the teacher will only depend on the video and not on his/her experience. Mohammed Al Wahaibi

  7. The disadvantages of videos in the classroom include the fact that many teachers are ill-equipped to use it as a teaching tool, the Internet can pose harmful material to students, and computers can prove to be a waste of time when software is not effective. Weigh the pros and cons of having a video in the classroom with advice from a former classroom instructor in this free video on education.

  8. For more comments about learning videos’ which has become a popular method in teaching, both in traditional and distant mode. There are some obvious advantages of using learning videos inside or outside classroom, such as flexibility and a ‘technology rich environment’. Apart from those there are also some cognitive aspects that make learning videos a successful technique. The cognitive aspects are related to students’ engagement that is achieved through learning videos and seems to be wider than the engagement achieved through other methods. On the other hand an obvious barrier in the use of learning videos is the training that is required for teachers of all levels in order to become skilful to create and distribute learning videos.

  9. There are several common features presented different software. Also, there are several advantages and disadvantages in their use. Both require licence. For overloaded lecturers who just want to enrich their lectures with simple videos might be the best choice. It is quite simple; it does not require long learning time; it is free. But if someone wants to create more sophisticated interface or navigation and especially if someone wants to create commercial applications then it will be limited.

  10. Another disadvantage of using videos inside classes is related to the technical difficulties. In fact, with any form of technology, technical difficulties are bound to occur. In the context of using a video inside classrooms, problems may occur with software, hardware or networks. Technical problems may delay or interrupt lectures.

  11. As with any technology, using interactive video inside classrooms is not without limitations. IV is expensive, especially the initial cost. Since it involves sophisticated technology there can be audio and visual difficulties, which cannot be resolved by the professor. While compressed video holds great promise for expanding the classroom, it also amplifies poor teaching styles and strategies. Instructors must devote greater than normal effort toward preparation and development of instructional strategies that actively encourage learning. Instructors typically spend more time initially preparing for the interactive class, paying special attention to the development and production of visual material. Additionally, the instructor must be vigilant in making sure the students remain involved in the course, a task more difficult when classes are taught at a distance.
    Frequently instructors are given insufficient time and resources in which to prepare for the course and insufficient compensation for the development and delivery of the course. The planning process and learning curve may seem excessive at first, but the shift from "knowledge disseminator" to "learning facilitator" is likely to enhance learning for both local and remote students.
